It is usually a key ingredient for decision-making. The users need the ability to find it quickly so the decisions are also made accordingly.

Healthcare Search
What this case study is all about
I worked on a regional portal for a major healthcare company.
The portal is a native web app that helps providers search for patient data​
During my time there, I created a search function where providers could quickly and easily search for patient data​
This was a regional portal for the Pacific Northwest region (Oregon and Washington)
Project dynamics
A project manager and a scrum master. I was the only designer who conceptualized this feature.
A major healthcare company
5-7 business days
A short time to turnaround
5. See all clicked
When the section expands, it showcases the list of entire benefits.​
Since there are hundreds of categories, only 20 will be displayed at a time. The see more, see all buttons expand the viewing.

Parting thoughts
A reasonable conclusion of these assets make sense.
The feature was approved, built, and deployed.
The idea of adding colored circles to indicate the presence of keywords nested in different data sets was widely appreciated.
The quick turnaround and detailed explanations and justifications of data were appreciated.

The process
This was a regional portal for the Pacific Northwest region (Oregon and Washington)​
User type
The users of this portal were physicians and overall healthcare providers​
This project was done for the largest healthcare and insurance providers in the United States. ​
1. Overview
In this scenario, a provider searches for patient data under detailed benefits​.
The patient has benefits but for the provider, information architecture​.
The detailed benefits section has several categories.

2. Expanded

4. See more expanded
Clicking the See More button adds more options to the page.
It also adds a scroll that gets thinner to accommodate more options.

3. See more

6. See all expanded

7. Search Input
Three characters will trigger a search.

9. No match found
In this case it is similar to the default screen with the 'no match found' wording present.

8. Search Results
A colored circle indicates the search result (keyword match), which is nested in each individual category.
The keyword is highlighted by the color (same as the circle color) in the relevant category.